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First things first, there is no such thing as the ‘Trans-Siberian Railway’. Instead, it’s actually a network of railways connecting Moscow with the Russian Far East. This means that if you want to travel through Russia, you’ll have to buy the tickets...
Planning a trip to Russia isn’t exactly a hassle-free operation. The entire thing is time-consuming and might seem overwhelming at first because of all the paperwork, but by following these steps (in the right order) you’ll have no trouble obtaining ...
On board of the Transsiberian train, we traveled around half the world, covering a total distance of 8323 kilometers while crossing six different time zones. This trip took one month and a half and included stopovers in China, Mongolia and Russia. Du...
Discovering the 'platskart' on our train ride from Ulan-Ude to Irkutsk Half asleep, we sleepwalked into the train. Our brain couldn't handle the confusing numbering of the berths, so we stood there in the middle of the halfway, looking confused and o...